In recent years I've started turning finished projects into books as a way to tie them off and produce a physical document. There is actually a great bit of feedback in this process that has helped drive and change the projects themselves.
To date, I've used Blurb's print-on-demand service to create these one-off books. I've found the quality of the finished product with their higher quality papers to be quite excellent. You do, however, pay for the fact that this is a low-volume / high-quality product. Descriptions of the books and links to the Blurb bookstore are below. You can preview the content of the books at the links.
Suspension | Transition
This book is intended as a personal visual diary of peninsular Halifax through the years 2020 and 2021 - simply the city as I saw it. It is not intended as a complete document of the time or place, but as a personal record of a city in transition that, in many ways, got stopped in its tracks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The book looks into the changing character of neighbourhoods - the textures, colours, and feeling of the place itself at this point in time. I developed this project specifically with an eye to creating a physical book.

Old Bones | New Bones
This set of photographs is an exploration of the changing urban landscape in Halifax in 2017. Development has seen a dramatic increase in pace in recent years, but, in the demolition and reconstruction of pieces of the city, what (if anything) is being lost along the way? Is Halifax’s character and identity tied up in the architecture and density of its neighbourhoods? By replacing the old bones with new ones, is the body changed?
These photographs are not intended to be nostalgic, nor are they intended as simple documentation of before and after. Rather, they represent the chance to create a visual history of the change as it is happening and make something of the replaced and their replacements.
Things that are gone or are being replaced are presented in black and white to indicate their connection to the past, whereas the new things are presented in colour. The images are presented in pairs that illustrate the visual and symbolic changes underway.
Decade 2010-2019
This book is a collection of my favourite images taken between 2010 and 2019. The book is divided into six themes ranging from urban landscape to street photography to live music.